During the fall of 2021, the Records Management and Archives Division of the University of Montreal established its 2022-2025 strategic plan. The aim of this plan is to build a more agile culture within the Division and reinforce its role as an essential partner in the digital transformation of the University. The strategic plan is as a result of the collaboration of every member of the RMA team, in line with best practices and the University’s goals and values. The process has allowed us to think outside the box, review some of the ways we do things and, above all, project ourselves into the future by defining a clear vision and determining new priorities. My presentation will describe the different steps we have taken, discuss the challenges we have faced and the impact developing and implementing a strategic plan could have on an archive department within a large organization. The presentation will be of interest to records managers and archivists at all levels, but will be of particular relevance to those in management positions.