"During my sabbatical leave from May 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, I had conducted a research project on how the COVID-19 pandemic transformed the work environment and work itself for Records and Information (RIM) professionals. Thirty records managers, privacy officers and archivists from twenty-two publicly funded universities in eight Canadian provinces participated in this research study. An in-depth interview was conducted with each participant individually between April and July 2021. Then one follow-up survey was done in November 2021. A second follow-up survey is scheduled for March 2022.
I would like to share my research findings with the RIM community in Canada. I plan to cover the following topics.
1) Balancing on-site and off-site RIM work
2) RIM trainings for inexperienced remote workers (cloud tools, information security)
3) The accelerated transition to automated business process and how it affects RIM
4) Pandemic related new records (e.g. health self-assessment data, proof of vaccination) and their impact on RIM
5) A roller-coaster ride to the hybrid work future, a gradual work culture change for RIM professionals
Although participants of this study all work in the post-secondary education sector, some of the challenges and obstacles they face are universal, therefore I hope RIM professionals in general will find the findings of this research equally useful. "