Microsoft 365 has all the recordkeeping features needed for full compliance. But how do you use them? The jargon is unusual, the features are complicated. What’s a “Label”? What’s a Workload? Managed versus Crawled properties? What is KQL? What is a Preservation Copy? What is a Trainable Classifier? Why are there 2 types of record? Why do retention rules need “precedence”? What are the different meanings of “Policy”? What is a Document understanding Model? This comprehensive “How to” treatment of M365 will sort out and simplify this complex jargon and teach you what you need to know to achieve recordkeeping compliance. This course is not a hands-on product training experience, rather you’ll learn the language, concepts, principles, capabilities and limitations of the recordkeeping compliance features of M365. This course will be enormously beneficial either before or after you’ve completed any hands-on M365 training. You’ll learn its unusual language and translate it to understandable “records-speak”. This course is designed and delivered by Bruce Miller, author, independent consultant, and leading expert in electronic recordkeeping, and author of “Managing Records in SharePoint”. Bruce will navigate you through the complexities of M365 in simple, understandable recordkeeping terms you can relate to. You’ll fundamentally understand the product and learn what it really takes to deploy it in a real-life project.