Discover ALL Your Data Before You Manage It
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 12:45 PM - 1:05 PM
Brenda Prowse David Gould

Information managers today are challenged with managing an explosion of content and the unsupervised way in which it is being produced. Remote and distributed workers are creating petabytes of data without thought to where it is being kept or how it is managed through the content lifecycle. The availability of new repositories - such as Teams and OneDrive - which didn't exist even a few years ago adds to the challenge. At the same time, regulations and penalties have stiffened around the mismanagement of data. Over 80 countries and independent territories, have adopted comprehensive data protection laws. Canada recently added to its data privacy laws by passing the Consumer Privacy Protection Act in December. This law gives every Canadian more control over how companies handle their personal information, including the ability for a consumer's information to be removed or properly and permanently disposed. Of critical importance in this regulated environment is the ability to discover and identify all of the data you have. The session will focus on how to automatically discover all of your data, classify it and apply appropriate policies to manage it throughout its lifecycle.

The first part of the session will involve David speaking about the explosion of data and the challenge of managing it particularly in a time of more stringent privacy laws. In the second part of the session Brenda will discuss what successful deployment of an ECM looks like. Specifically we'll discuss elements of successful implementations through use of structured Project Management practices. Deployment and delivery methodologies will be presented including phased approaches, change management, training and support requirements. The various project roles required for success and what their level of commitment should be will also be discussed. Attendees will also benefit from understanding "lessons learned" from other such projects. Tips for maintaining a system over the long term will also be presented. Attendees would include anyone interested in deploying an ECM or those who have already deployed a system and are looking for the lessons learned and tips for maintaining over the long term. Project Management methodologies will also be of interest for anyone looking to execute projects within their organisation whether for an ECM or another project. Anyone involved in information management and governance, risk/compliance, legal, privacy, and security should attend. No prerequisite knowledge or experience is required.

Session Type
Breakout session 4