Mining Your ECM Platform’s Audit Trails
Date & Time
Monday, May 31, 2021, 11:55 AM - 12:15 PM
Michael Schweitzer

Given the rush into moving info into the cloud, it's time to reflect on what's been migrated into those environments. Using Microsoft 365 audit trails as an example, we will do a deep dive into the types of information stored in audit logs, how to leverage audit trails to uncover insights, and tips to manage it going forward. We will show you how to gain useful insights for governance and compliance of your information. Finally, we'll talk about the most common gaps in audit trails and how to overcome them.

Key takeaways include: -
- Value of the audit trail from a compliance and records management perspective.
-Types of information you can get from an audit log.
-Strategies on how to manage and protect the audit trail You don’t need experience with Microsoft 365 for this talk, but some experience with managing information and its metadata is helpful. This talk applies to all information and records management professionals.

Session Type
Breakout session 2