Claiming a Seat at the Table : How IM Professionals Add Value - "New Normal'
Date & Time
Monday, May 31, 2021, 12:20 PM - 1:05 PM
Donna Molloy Carys Billinghurst Garth Clarke

As organizations digitally transform to electronic records, and more staff are working remotely at home, is the role of the Information Management Professional changing? What is our value? Are we helping our clients? During this session a panel with differing backgrounds will share their insight based on their experiences and observations. This panel presentation will identify what is important for us to consider during the “new normal.” How can we be more effective as Information Management Professionals? What strengths can we build on? What are the coming opportunities for us? How can we effectively work with other disciplines to have a strong voice at the table? This session will review and explore the value of Information Management Professionals in supporting the digital transformation occurring in our organizations.

Session Type